Our Partnership

Icon Midstream Group is a partner in VC Fuel, Houston's first energy transition fund, in emerging green energy technologies across multiple sectors. This includes everything from building materials, membrane technologies, CO2 capture and sequestration, EVs, hydrogen reformation, biogas digesters, renewable natural gas facilities, biotechnology advancements, green agriculture, and solar.

What We Do

By investing in these exceptional companies that provide technology, services, and infrastructure, we are looking into a future that accelerates the transition to a decarbonized world.

The clean energy revolution presents an opportunity for companies seeking to provide clean and sustainable energy that fuel and power the engines of our economy. These companies will specifically target the CO2 and other sources of emissions that need to be eliminated or drastically reduced if we are to achieve a clean energy economy and, in turn, a clean environment.

Section 2: Highlight

[1-2 sentence summary] Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat eros pede semper est vitae luctus metus libero eu augue da idest, sed lectus.

Feature 1

[2 sentences] Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit eu, hendrerit molestie dui. Quisque vel magna ac nulla aliquet convallis et a velit.

Feature 2

[2 sentences] Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit eu, hendrerit molestie dui. Quisque vel magna ac nulla aliquet convallis et a velit.

Feature 3

[2 sentences] Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit eu, hendrerit molestie dui. Quisque vel magna ac nulla aliquet convallis et a velit.

Mountains of West Virginia

Section 7: Comparisons

Project 1
Feature 1

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 2

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 3

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Project 2
Feature 1

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 2

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 3

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Project 3
Feature 1

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 2

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.

Feature 3

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit hendrerit molestie dui.